Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

General Camp Questions
When using the online registration system, should I use Internet Explorer?
The online registration system works best with Firefox and Chrome.
- Are Princeton Sports Camps & Clinics held on the Princeton University Campus?
Yes, all of our camps/clinics are held on the Princeton University Campus.
Who runs the Princeton University Sports Camps & Clinics?
The Department of Athletics. Princeton University does not permit outside groups/organizations to run sports camps/clinics on campus.
What is the ratio of counselors to campers?
A minimum 10:1 camper to counselor ratio is maintained at all camps/clinics. However, many of the camps/clinics are as low as 5:1.
When do the camps & clinics actually start?
After check-in there is a brief orientation and/or welcome meeting and then sessions begin.
Do you take deposits for camps & clinics?
We do not take deposits for camps/clinics. All camps/clinics must be paid in full at the time of registration.
Are there any exceptions made to the grade/age requirements?
Each participant must meet the grade/age requirement for each camp/clinic by the start date. Due to various regulations we are unable to make any exceptions to this rule.
When does camp & clinic registration close?
Registration for camps & clinics close 2 days prior to the start of camp. Team Camps close 7 days prior to the start of camp.
Due to high demand, many camps/clinics fill prior to the registration deadline. Early registration is highly recommended. Once a camp/clinic reaches capacity or the registration deadline, we are unable to add additional campers.
**For overnight summer sports camps, campers registering close to the enrollment deadline are more likely not to receive their roommate request and may end up in a single room.**
Do you accept walk-up registrations?
We do not accept walk-up registrations.
Is there a waitlist for sold out camps and clinics?
Yes, there is a waitlist for sold out camps/clinics. You can add your name to the list by clicking the Register Now button and searching for the camp you would like to attend.
How do I transfer to a different camp session?
To transfer an enrollment, please send an email to with the registered participant's full name and the name of the session they wish to attend. We are unable to transfer campers into a sold out camp/clinic or a camp/clinic that has passed its registration deadline.
What is Princeton University Sports Camps Federal Tax ID?
Our Federal Tax ID is 210634501.
Parental Release / Health Form Questions
- Are the Parental Release and Health Forms required?
Yes, both of these forms are required for participation in camps/clinics. Both forms must be filled out in their entirety with the proper signatures.
- Can I fax a copy of the form before my child arrives at camp?
No, these forms should be uploaded to the Active account associated with the registration in advance. Faxed or mailed copies will not be accepted.
- Do I need to obtain a physician's signature when completing the Health Form?
Physicians are not required to sign the Health Form, however, they will be required to complete the immunization record.
- Are immunization records required for Princeton Sports Camps?
Yes, participants are required to provide copies of immunization records or a valid medical and/or religious exemption from immunization.
- What happens if I don't bring the Parental Release, Health Form and the Immunization Records?
If you forget any of these items or provide incomplete versions, your camper will not be allowed to participate during camp/clinic activities......NO EXCEPTIONS. Campers that fail to provide an up-to-date immunization record will not be allowed to participate or to stay on campus for day/overnight summer sports camps/clinics.
- I submitted a Parental Release/Health Form for a camp earlier in the summer, do I need to complete another one for a session later in the summer?
Yes, a Parental Release/Health Form is required for each session of camp/clinic you attend. If you are attending multiple camps/clinics, you will need to bring a copy to each check-in. You may copy the original and change the camp/clinic name/dates.
- Does Princeton University Sports Camps administer medications to campers?
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:25-5.3(h), Princeton University will not administer medications of any type (prescription or over-the-counter) to camp/clinic participants of any age. Princeton University will not be held responsible for housing/storing medication(s). Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) and camp participants will be held responsible for administering and housing/storing medication(s) in a discrete place during camp/clinic.
We strongly recommend Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) of camp/clinic participants that have been prescribed medication(s) that are self-administered to treat potentially life-threatening conditions (ie. inhalers, EpiPen) meet with the Health Director during check-in to discuss their use.
Housing/Rooming Assignment Questions
- Is housing provided for all Princeton Sports Camps & Clinics?
Housing is only available during the summer season for the Princeton Sports Camps that have been classified as overnight camps. Princeton Sports Camps that have been classified as day camps and sports clinics offered during the academic year are not eligible for housing.
- Are roommate requests guaranteed?
Each participant is permitted to request 1 roommate. The request must be reciprocal in order to be considered. While we do everything we can to accommodate this one request, we do not guarantee roommate requests or guarantee that entire teams or campers from the same school will be housed in the same building or on the same floor.
**Campers registering close to the enrollment deadline are more likely not to receive their roommate request and may end up in a single room.
- Can I call prior to camp and find out who my child will be housed with?
Housing assignments are not done until the night before camp, and in some cases the morning of camp. When you arrive at check-in you will receive your housing assignment and can ask who your roommate will be.
- How many campers are in a room?
Typically there are 1-2 campers per room. The number of campers in a room varies based on the building that particular camp is assigned.
- Are there housing accommodations available prior to camp check-in or between camp sessions?
There are no housing accommodations available prior to the start date of camp or between camp sessions.
- How are campers supervised in the dorms?
All counselors are required to stay overnight for each camp. Counselors are divided up amongst the dormitory to provide adequate supervision. There is also a Health Director assigned to each camp.
- Are dorms air conditioned?
None of the Princeton University camp dorms have air conditioning. We recommend that participants bring a fan.
- How are the campers housed in the dorms?
Campers are housed in the following order: roommate request (NOT GUARANTEED), age/grade. Younger campers will usually be placed with a roommate, while older campers will be given single rooms. During coed camps, male and female camp participants will be divided by floor if housed in the same dorm.
Transportation Questions
Which airports are located in close proximity to Princeton University?
Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) and Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
Is transportation provided by Princeton University to and from the airport?
Princeton University Sports Camps does not provide transportation to or from the airport. For more information on getting to campus, including links to providers, please visit